Monday 27 September 2010

Monday 20 September 2010

ITV Calendar Online

One of the last things I did at ITV Calendar was to start a Facebook and Twitter Feed for the programme - something I had wanted to do since starting there. It felt quite a triumph to finally have it mentioned on air with the graphic I'd commissioned.

Friday 10 September 2010

Bird Songs

My friend Millie is doing research on how great tits change their songs according to where they live. She's found out that urban birds sing at a higher pitch than rural birds as they have to reach above the noise of traffic. Millie's doing her PHD at Aberystwyth University but did part of her research in North Derbyshire. After discussing it in the pub (surely the best place to find out new stories!) we agreed it would make an excellent report. Eventually we filmed Millie carrying out her research in Dronfield (between Sheffield and Chesterfield) with ITV Calendar's weatherman Jon Mitchell. I produced the item - directing Jon and the cameraman, scripting the voice over and editing the package.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Flotilla Interview

Before I left ITV Calendar I interviewed Mohammed Bhaiyat and his dad Ziauddin. Mohammed was on one of the boats heading to Gaza when it was stormed by Israeli troops in May. He was taken captive after the forces dropped from helicopters onto the deck of the vessel. When Mohammed returned home to Bradford he came in to the ITV Calendar studios in Leeds to be interviewed.