Saturday 30 May 2009

MP Expenses As Live

Last night I went to Farnham in Surrey to cover a meeting called by the local MP to explain his expenses. Jeremy Hunt, the Shadow Culture Secretary, is thought to be the most senior MP to come clean about all his expenses.

I put together an 'as live' for the ITV Meridian late news but as it was such a short bulletin, we used a soundbite from the MP instead. Nonetheless, it was good experience. Here's the presenter's link into the 'as live':

"A Surrey MP has tonight answered questions about expenses at a meeting attended by four hundred of his constituents. Jeremy Hunt, the MP for South West Surrey has been criticised for claiming £37,000 over three years for a second home in Farnham rather than commuting to Westminster. Cameras weren't allowed into the meeting at the Maltings in Farnham but our reporter Mark Ansell was there."


  1. very clear and composed - both reporter and interviewer.good pace and expression by interviewer (no bias of course)

  2. Really good Mark - glad you used a tie mic rather than a hand held fluffy. Liked the look up from the final vox pop for the final PTC delivery.

  3. Well done Mark! - Tania
