Sunday, 4 April 2010

My Top Podcasts - Part 2

Unlike the podcasts I went through in my previous post, the following aren't broadcast on the radio and are only accessible through the internet.

John Pienaar's Political Review podcast. The week's events in Westminster are mulled over by 5 Live's Chief Political Correspondent and a guest (often a political reporter for a national paper). It's informal yet informative and best of all, concise - normally 15 minutes.

The Guardian's Media Talk podcast is a round table discussion on the week's events in the media. This is the commercial rival of BBC Radio 4's The Media Show. There's much more banter, gossip and rumours in this podcast which makes it an easy listen. The presenter and guests are Guardian and Observer journalists and occasionally they'll have interviews with some of the industry heavy weights.

The Guardian's Politics Weekly podcast undoubtedly has centre-left leanings, as you'd expect from a political discussion by Guardian journalists. Well worth listening to if politics is your thing - an intelligent insight into politics from some of the Guardian comment writers including Polly Tonybee. It also has a BBC Radio 4 equivalent, The Weekly Political Review.

Prayer from Taizé podcast. Taizé is a Christian community in France which I've blogged about in the past. It comprises of highlights of the past week's prayer services from the church Taizé. I'm often reminded of the amazing times I've had by the beautiful singing.

I also enjoy the BBC Match Of The Day Magazine podcast, even though it's aimed at children. They're expertly produced by a good friend of mine.

So as the above shows, it's not just the BBC who produce superb podcasts. Give them a go and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. This American Life combines storytelling with wit an insight. They also use music and an authored-approach in ways UK podcasts don't. It's the best show I know to have come out of America.
