Today I start a new job covering the Tour de France for BBC Radio Sheffield. I'll be covering every twist and turn of the greatest cycle
race coming to South Yorkshire on 6th July. As a massive cycling fan it’s a huge
privilege to be doing this job.
As well as explaining what the race itself is all about,
there’s lots for me to look at covering including the logistical challenge for
the organisers of hosting the biggest annual sporting event in the world,
community groups arranging parties for the race day when the Tour goes past
their homes and then what the legacy will be. There’s also the 100 day YorkshireFestival which is an extensive programme of arts and cultural events in the
run up to the Grand Départ, when the Tour comes to Yorkshire.
On the day itself we'll have reporters dotted along the
route, broadcasting live on what will be a momentous occasion for our area. And
then when the race leaves Yorkshire I’ll have a couple of weeks off on
holiday…in France watching the Tour in the Pyrenees and then the finale in