Sunday 29 November 2015

Stop the War Protests

This weekend I've been reporting on a series of protests in Yorkshire against the Government's support of bombing terrorist groups in Syria. Demonstrations took place in six places across West and South Yorkshire including in Sheffield...

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Thursday 26 November 2015

Albino Hedgehog!

This report on a very rare hedgehog is the first video I've made especially for social media using text instead of my voice to illustrate the story. I've purposely kept it short and sweet as online users only tend to watch videos like this on Facebook for a few seconds. They need to be hooked in to watch all the video so it's vital you engage them in the story particularly quickly so I made sure I used my best shots first. As Facebook users scroll through their timeline the video starts but with no sound so it's important the story works without it and therefore includes text...

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Thursday 19 November 2015

Male victims of domestic abuse

I've been in Doncaster hearing the harrowing story of a man who was on the brink of death having been beaten up by his ex-girlfriend. It might surprise you to learn that in Yorkshire one in five people who tell police that they are being physically or emotionally attacked by a partner are men. The numbers are particularly high in South Yorkshire where last year almost 6,000 men told the police they were suffering domestic abuse...

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Monday 16 November 2015

Schools Protest live

I've been reporting live on a story about parents protesting against proposals to build a big new school in the South West of the city. The plan involves knocking down Holt House infant school and building a new primary and secondary on the same site...

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Monday 9 November 2015

Murder Investigation

I've been in Maltby on the outskirts of Rotherham reporting on a murder investigation...

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Sunday 1 November 2015

Fracking 'Pilgrimage'

Environmental campaigners have been holding a 'pilgrimage' in Leeds against fracking. Yorkshire has vast reserves of shale gas and companies are hoping to explore its potential by using the controversial method of hydraulic fracturing...

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